Flame Spray North America expand capabilities to include advanced manufacturing and chemical/water blast stripping

It is with pleasure that we inform you that Flame Spray North America, Inc. has acquired the activities of Innovative Surface Solutions and Innovative Venture expanding its capabilities to offer advanced manufacturing technologies.

To better serve our customers and offer a one-stop-shop approach to post-cast operations, we are now offering, beyond the state-of-the-art coating portfolio: EDM, hole drilling, laser welding and assembly, and chemical/water blast stripping

Flame Spray North America expands operations in Laurens County


  • Flame Spray North America is expanding its operations in Laurens County.
  • The company's $2.5 million investment will create 40 new jobs.
  • Flame Spray North America is a thermal spray coatings manufacturer.
  • The company is located at 576 International Blvd. in Fountain Inn, S.C.
  • Individuals interested in joining the Flame Spray North America team should contact the company's Human Resources Department.

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